Friday, April 5, 2013

Project 52 - Triptych ~ Squamish Pet Portrait Photographer

This week the theme for the Beautiful Beasties Project 52 group is Triptych. We were free to interpret that any way we wished.

This is Polar. I originally expected to use three shots of his face in my triptych but it turns out that long and slinky ferrets practically beg to be used in long and skinny formats.

Ferret pet portrait photograph

Project 52 is a group project. Please visit all the other talented pet photographers, starting with Denver pet photographer, StinkDog Photos, by following the links at the bottom of our posts.

Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.


  1. Neat concept: I like how you broke up a single pic. Very cool

  2. A "perfect" triptych!

  3. That is some beautiful light! And Polar is a lovely subject :)

  4. Lovely - his body certainly does suit that long format. Good call!

  5. Love the colors, the lighting, the layout and of course Polar!
