Friday, March 1, 2013

Project 52 - Shoes ~ Vancouver area pet photography

For the second week in a row the new theme was posted for the pet photography Project and an older photo jumped to my mind. Several years ago I did this:

Annoyed looking dog standing in purple rubber boots

Now, we are supposed to shoot new photos according to the theme, so I couldn't just use that old one, but before I got a chance to do a new-and-improved version I went out to the barn with a friend of mine. And, once there, I couldn't resist a cliche "shoe" shot...

Bottom of horse's foot showing the shoe

I really thought that might be it, but then at the eleventh hour I grabbed this new-and-improved version of Rivet in boots. She was not amused...

Cute photo of a retriever dog in rubber boots

Project 52 is a group project. Please visit all the other talented pet photographers, starting with Silver & Pixel Photography in Puerto Rico, by following the links at the bottom of our posts.

Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.


  1. Very cute - and I want those gumboots!

  2. Haha, this was exactly what I was going to do with Lucas and my barn boots. Love it!

  3. The boots are great. I also had an unamused model this week!

  4. Fantastic....loved that you could get an updated version. I can't imagine getting my pups to do this. Love the steps behind Rivet too.
