Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ozy & Tobi - Pinto horses ~ Vancouver area pet photography

I don't get the chance to photograph horses very often, but last weekend I went out to the barn with my friend to meet her new horse.

This is Ozy. It isn't the more traditional portrait that I hoped to take but I quite like the way it shows all the colours and shadings he has. There will be opportunities for portraits on another day.

Pinto horse turning head away so underside shows

While I was there I took some photos of Tobi as well. His owner says she has a hard time photographing his two-toned eyelashes, so I did my best to get some photos that emphasize that detail.

Tobiano pinto horse in Vancouver BC

Tobiano horse eye close up showing eyelashes

I need a lot more practice with horses, and I am going to do my best to schedule more time for it this year.

Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Project 52 - Love ~ Vancouver area pet photographer

Every week a group of pet photographers takes photos on a theme for Project 52. We are supposed to take new photos, and I did, but first I need to show you this older shot, titled "The Kiss". Doesn't it say "love" to you?

Pretty dog licking a cute child's face

I have been meaning to try to get a more recent version of that photo for a while now, and this week's theme almost forced me to do it NOW. So tonight child, dog, and I (and a jar of peanut butter) sat down to work on it.

This is what we got:

Cute child being licked by a pretty brown dog

Pretty sweet, huh?!

Please visit all the other talented pet photographers in the group (starting with Boston Dog Photography by Blue Amrich) by following the links at the bottom of our posts. After browsing through all the other entries you will end up back here.

Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Project 52 - Opposites Attract ~ Squamish pet photographer

The theme for this week is Opposites Attract. We were free to interpret that in any way that we choose.

I give you Pebbles and Bam Bam:

Big/small, blonde/black, mature/puppy, retriever/pug, cute/cute... Oh, wait, that last one doesn't work, does it?

Cute pug puppy and golden retriever in Squamish

Pebbles and Bam Bam belong to a friend of mine, and we are planning to photograph Bam Bam every month for a year. We were due for one of those photo sessions, so it was an easy decision to use her girls for this week's Project 52 post as well.

Photo of two very different dogs Photo of an adorable pug puppy with beautiful golden retriever

This Project 52 is a group project. Please visit all the other talented pet photographers (starting with the talented Connecticut Pet Photographer, Kathryn Schauer) by following the links at the bottom of our posts. After browsing through all the other entries you will end up back here.

Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Once-A-Month Bam Bam ~ Adorable pug puppy

Since Bam Bam the pug puppy is growing up just a couple of doors away, I am trying to make sure that I get a photo of her every month for her first year. She is getting really big - but don't take my word for it. Her photo is up on my Facebook page. Check it out!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Project 52 - Movement ~ Vancouver area pet photographer

The Project 52 theme this week is Movement.

I had an idea right away for what I wanted to try this week. A couple of years ago I took some photos of Rivet catching treats. This is a little bit technical but I was using first curtain sync, which caused the blurred areas (or ghosting) show the movement that happened after the flash fired. This almost makes her look like her head is going backwards rather than forwards. At the time I was unable to figure out a way to get my camera/flash combination to switch to rear curtain (or 2nd curtain) sync.

290.  Flash!  Treats!  Funny faces! (41/52)

I have a different camera now, as well as a different flash, so I thought that I would be able to do it differently this time. That didn't quite work out... I can't use rear curtain if I have my flash off of my camera, so I suspect my trigger system is the problem, but I could use it if I had my flash on the camera. Ah well, life isn't perfect...

The other problem I ran into is that my dog, Caiman, is too old to catch tossed treats anymore. His reaction time just isn't fast enough anymore. So I did what every good photographer would do. I improvised. Peanut butter faces are always funny, whether the flash works right or not.

So, here are three photos using the motion blur I was hoping for. The last photo is a close up of the one beside it, so that you can see how the photo shows a blur where his tongue was before the flash fired.

Motion blur by Squamish pet photographer
Peanut butter face dog photograph
Funny peanut butter face dog photograph
Close up motion blur dog tongue by Squamish pet photographer

Finally, I got rid of the blur altogether and froze his tongue movement. These are more my style but the whole process has been fun!

Peanut butter face photo of dog

This Project 52 is a group project. Please visit all the other talented pet photographers (starting with Sharon Stokes Photography, Central Coast Pet Photographer) by following the links at the bottom of our posts. After browsing through all the other entries you will end up back here.

Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.