I had grand plans, but life got in the way, and so far this is what I have. Background is a neutral beige, coloured with a gelled flash. The pink gel is a new toy that I got several weeks ago and hadn't taken out of the package before this.
I had imagined this shot as a classic head-and-shoulders portrait, but Caiman won't sit for me anymore. I think it hurts his back, so when he made it clear that he was going to lie down instead I went with the flow.
Project 52 is a group project. Please visit all the other talented pet photographers, starting with Raleigh pet photographer, Tara Lynn, by following the links at the bottom of our posts.
Tracy Sutherland Photography specializes in timeless classic representations of the pets that enrich our lives. Tracy lives in Sea to Sky country north of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and works in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver.